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Delhi Lotus Renaissance?

Posted by: Newswire, 2017-05-27, 1467 Views

Lotus flower is the national flower of India, sacred to Hindus and Buddhists. It's common to depict Asian religions deities as seated on a lotus flower for its representation of purity as if floating above muddy waters. This aquatic plant it's also known to have seeds that may remain for over a thousand years and has the rare ability to revive after longer periods of inactivity.

Delhi WES Team (Asia South D5) maybe inspired by the lotus, is going through a sports renaissance. This was the best season number by number they ever have had in history. This season performed 20 wins for a total of 68 points with a goal difference of 26 goals, beating their until now best records from the 9th season with 17 wins for a total of 57 points, 6 GD. It's true that they were in D4 but, since then, their overall numbers have been worsening season by season which lately led the team for moments in the D5 17th position. The team was in D5 for the three last seasons but next year will be in D4 again and they will have the chance to beat that results again and confirm the team rebirth (Delhi overview).

"We hope to have even better results next year and lead the team to upper divisions, but step by step" says Iru Lutz, the man behind Delhi's renaissance, the manager that took the team last season in D5 16th position and with whom they achieved this season 2nd place. The team that Iru is building, although it isn't a D1 roster, has a well equilibrated mix of veteran and youngsters that could fulfill the manager aspirations.

With Lutz the team incorporated three key players, Tierney, Jan and Mazanik that could explain this great results. Last season Ex-Leeds forward Eoin Tierney (29yo) joined and now is the top scorer of the team with 13 goals with 30%/20% on goal (8 last season for a total of 21 in last two seasons), this season came Nir Jan (27yo) from Valencia, performing 9 goals (33%/16%) and 6 assists. But the great surprise for everybody in Delhi is the midfielder Alexey Mazanik (29yo scout sum 35), a humble dismissed player that only had scored 3 goals and had made 7 assists in his previous career, who this season finally exploded and performed 7 goals and 6 assists (Delhi leaders).

This season the team achieved his best result against Bangalore with an overwhelming 6-0, but also received a harsh defeat by Amritsar 0-3, team that finally conquered the division crown. "It was a great season but we couldn't beat Amritsar." Iru Lutz recognised and then praised the amazing performance of Amritsar's top scorer Kobaladze (20 goals 41%/16%).

Delhi team used the press conference to announce that will host the 1st Delhi Golden Lotus League, a friendly offseason tournament that initially would consist of 4 matches, a one-round league between 4 teams and a final match between the best teams. Two top WES teams and Phuntsholing (top Asia South Region) had confirmed their presence and with host team Delhi(D4) will compete for the first Golden Lotus. The team also said it was considering add a sencond group if other teams are interested (it depends on competitions and offseason dates but initially should have 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 of June friendly dates availiable).

Who will be the first Golden Lotus champion? Will Delhi promote to top Asian South divisions? We will see, the seeds are comming up.

(Delhi press reporting to Newswire).


Dev 30/05/2017 11:01:18

Nice! Btw nice job with your team page as well!

Iru Lutz 30/05/2017 12:58:34

Thanks! that also reminds me to publish the Delhi Golden Lotus League web to follow the tournament: https://irulutz.gitlab.io/delhi/#lotus



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