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Delhi Golden Lotus League: FINAL MATCH !

Posted by: Newswire, 2017-06-06, 1265 Views

This upcoming June 12th, Douala and San Lorenzo invite you all to attend what's going to be the first Delhi Golden Lotus League final.

Douala, one of the successful brands with 13 league trophies in 15 participation and 2 Region Cups. His long experienced manager Walter is still leading them, making it a very dangerous team to play against.

The new owner of San Lorenzo is seeking for one team nation, and his team of Argentinians is returning confidence with good wins and solid performances.
The unpredictable Nicolas, manager of the Surprising Ljubljana is in front on the team with all what that it means.

The cards were thrown.....

Who do you think is gonna win?


Iru Lutz 06/06/2017 23:13:42

Hard to say, seems an even game, Douala comes as WES Cup finalist, one of the greatest teams now, but San Lorenzo was the best team in the tournament and seems very regular... Here in Delhi both teams have a lot of supporters... good luck both teams! Just remind that previously, the derby day (9), Delhi and New Delhi will play an exhibition game (can't call it "friendly", you know...)

Nicolas 12/06/2017 15:21:06

No word about the pound by pound greatests of all time Delhi Golden Potus undisputed champion?

Iru Lutz 12/06/2017 15:27:30

Your team flourished like a lotus in the tournament. Congrats!

Nicolas 13/06/2017 15:24:10

Thanks! Nice tournament performance / Awful season performance. 1 point out of 12



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