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Marceux does the double with Houston / Sydney

Posted by: Newswire, 2023-07-30, 319 Views

In what can only be described as a case of serious timezone hopping and international travel, manager Pavel Marceux has completed a double crown — winning the top divisions in RoW and Americas with Sydney and Houston, respectively.

The D1 double feat hasn’t been done for some time. The last manager to do it? Stefan Bashev with Brasilia and Bern, in Americas and ES, in season 46. Before that, Marceux also did it with Sydney and Houston in season 40. 

A handful of managers have ever been able to achieve the international divisional double. We could only count two — perhaps you can help us find others? Particularly as the top divisions have become even more competitive and intensive, it’s increasingly hard to accomplish this. 


Pav 01/08/2023 13:15:51

This writer is really talented

Dev 01/08/2023 13:19:21

Is It Sophie Marceaux?

Pav2 02/08/2023 00:21:04

She may have been involved



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