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Is this a treble Eve?

Posted by: Dev, 2023-09-15, 312 Views

Is this a treble Eve?

This Is what Genoa supporters are hoping tonight.

The team managed by Dev Is facing his second Wes Cup final of his history after having won both the ES league with an outstanding stat performance that gave them a minimum advantage of 1 point against the strong Nick Cip's Athens and the ES Regional Cup against powerhouse Ganja After two drawed finals.

This means that tomorrow Genoa has the chance to enter in the history of Wes as the third team able to win the treble after Ivo's Pristina and Bashev's Brasilia that both did It multiple times.

Reached today by journalists making him questions about this theme manager Dev said he was not aware of this stat and answered that this could motivate him even more to win It so he could call Pav rookie from tomorrow on...

" jokes apart the whole season has been amazing and this resulta have been builded on  team fitness management. I am proud of the job i did with Genoa Building the team piece by piece to be here to try to achieve this great result. However It will go i am aware i did my best and i know the final result might be dependant on luck"

"Said that I and the team are ready to play for the win till the end of the match. May the best win and might the supporters enjoy the crowning of this amazing Genoa season"

"Let's play the final against powerhouse Brasilia. Maximum respect to this great team, but  we don't fear anyone and Will play till the end. Enjoy the show."


Bashev 15/09/2023 23:50:54

Actually it could be the 4th team. Brasilia, Pristina and Bern did that already.

Dev 16/09/2023 04:07:49 - edited

Ah u did It with Bern as well. Mighty manager! Well still i would be the 3rd manager.

Dev 16/09/2023 14:37:24

It was not ahahha. Anyway great season. Let's see what can i do next one



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