Recap Lineups
The recap Line-ups page reveals the starting line-ups employed by each team. Below the line-ups is a graphic that depicts the relative balance of the game positions used.
Starting Lineups
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Player | Position |
Gaucci, Simone | F- Left Outside Forward |
J°rstad, Joakim | F- Central Striker |
Modin, Jakob | F- Right Outside Forward |
Moreira, Clßudio | M- Right Winger |
Raznatovic, Sasa | M- Center Defending Midfielder |
de Wit, Fouzi | M- Center Attacking Midfielder |
Van Zercoff, Rudd | M- Left Winger |
Roberts, Gavin | D- Right Outside Defender |
Svanidze, Roman | D- Sweeper |
Hostettler, Ernst | D- Left Outside Defender |
Bosschaart, Rob | G- Goal Keeper |
Cape Town
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Player | Position |
Southam, Patrick | F- Right Outside Forward |
Laferla, Mike | F- Left Outside Forward |
Priscan, Jure | M- Left Flank Attacking Midfielder |
Ben Slimane, Mondher | M- Right Flank Attacking Midfielder |
Hoffmann, Giacomo | M- Right Flank Defending Midfielder |
Nelson, Eric | M- Left Flank Defending Midfielder |
Wan Ali, Mohd Shah Riezal | D- Left Inside Defender |
Duyshenaliev, Oleg | D- Left Outside Defender |
Pshenichnikov, Roman | D- Right Inside Defender |
Napoli, Carmelo | D- Right Outside Defender |
Kurt, Zekeriya | G- Goal Keeper |
Starting Position Balance
) and Player Position Changes
- Minute
- Player Out
- Position Out
- Player In
- Position In
- 26
Bosschaart, Rob
- G- Goal Keeper
Oh, Jae-Sung
- G- Goal Keeper
- 32
Modin, Jakob
- F- Right Outside Forward
Saitov, Alexandr
- F- Right Outside Forward
- 63
Roberts, Gavin
- D- Right Outside Defender
Taylor, Sean
- D- Right Outside Defender