Cape Town, South Africa

 Team Salary: 92.25M

World Rank: 129 (125)

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Cape Town Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F CR Candan, Hasan Yilmaz Average Average
Home Country F R Dickie, John Average Average
Home Country F CL Kontsevoy, Petr Average Poor
Home Country F CR Laferla, Mike Excellent Poor
Home Country F CRL Medina, Walter Average Average
Home Country F C Villanueva, Fabißn Excellent Excellent
Home Country M CRL Ciurea, Mihai Average Excellent
Home Country M C Karamin, Mikhail Average Average
Home Country M C Krawczyk, Igor Average Average
Home Country M CR Miskovic, Jure Average Average
Home Country M R Nelson, Eric Average Average
Home Country M C Priscan, Jure Average Excellent
Home Country D CR Hahn, Sandro Average Average
Home Country D CRL Morin, Fabio Average Average
Home Country D R O'Shea, Louis Average Average
Home Country D CL Park, Kyung-Ho Average Excellent
Home Country D C Wan Ali, Mohd Shah Riezal Average Poor
Home Country D RL Zdaski, Fredrich Average Average
Home Country G C Groves, Fabian Poor Excellent
Home Country G L Kurt, Zekeriya Poor Average
20 Players