Chlef, Algeria

 Team Salary: 94.50M

World Rank: 10 (9)

Tyler H Last seen just now

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Chlef Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F CRL Prokudin, Denis Poor Average
Home Country F RL Tedeschi, Andrea Average Excellent
Home Country M L Aundressen, Erik Poor Average
Home Country M CRL Finnegan, Stephen Average Poor
Home Country M R Musa, Faizal Average Average
Home Country M C O'Riordan, Ross Average Average
Home Country M CR Ortega, Ra·l Average Average
Home Country M RL R÷mer, Tom Average Poor
Home Country M L Rakowski, Blazej Average Average
Home Country M R Scharnreitner, Attila Average Poor
Home Country M CR Zungu, Qaphelani Average Average
Home Country D CL Doornbos, Onno Excellent Average
Home Country D CR Ferreira, Ernesto Average Poor
Home Country D R Ludue±a, Nicolßs Excellent Average
Home Country D CRL Mokai, Idi Average Excellent
Home Country D CRL Tran, Ngoc Thanh Average Average
Home Country G L Kural, Halil Ibrahim Average Average
17 Players