Johannesburg, South Africa

 Team Salary: 89.00M

World Rank: 69 (76)

Jkthesunman Last seen 0 days ago

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Johannesburg Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F CRL Hofmann-Wellenhof, Mathis Poor Excellent
Home Country F C Smyth, Ian Average Average
Home Country F CRL Weber, Stefan Average Average
Home Country M L Hasanbegovic, Nermin Average Average
Home Country M R Hu, Hßn Average Poor
Home Country M CR Ibrahim, Mohd Saiful Average Excellent
Home Country M CL IJzerman, Ronald Average Average
Home Country M RL Kaifa, Siale Excellent Poor
Home Country M CL Korcev, Petr Excellent Average
Home Country M CRL Maruschak, Stanislav Excellent Average
Home Country M CRL Meyer, Josef Average Poor
Home Country M C Mills, Ian Average Poor
Home Country M CR Patino, Rico Excellent Average
Home Country M CL Pereira, Bruno Average Average
Home Country D C Hosio, Toni Average Average
Home Country D L Miller, Dylan Average Average
Home Country D CRL Savic, Ivica Average Poor
Home Country D R van Loon, Daniel Average Poor
Home Country D CRL Zakopal, Pavel Excellent Average
Home Country G RL Chaloupka, Michal Average Average
20 Players