Cairo, Egypt

 Team Salary: 93.25M

World Rank: 61 (60)

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Cairo Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F L Boothman, Roy Average Average
Home Country F CRL O'Hanlon, Declan Average Excellent
Home Country F CL Onuh, Glory Average Average
Home Country F RL Vasileiou, Orestis Poor Excellent
Home Country M RL Cortez, Jorge Average Excellent
Home Country M RL Fuller, Ian Average Average
Home Country M CR Harris, Jamie Average Average
Home Country M R Martínez, Jose Felipe Average Average
Home Country M RL Nimely, Christopher Average Poor
Home Country M CL Ntentopoulos, Christos Poor Average
Home Country M L O'Shea, Brian Average Average
Home Country M CL Velychko, Mykola Average Excellent
Home Country M R Zvara, Chenda Average Average
Home Country D CL Meyer, Andres Average Excellent
Home Country D CR Tsenov, Stoyan Average Poor
Home Country D RL Wohlfarth, Volker Average Average
Home Country G C Seegert, Christian Average Average
17 Players