Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

 Team Salary: 78.75M

World Rank: 114 (123)

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Abu Dhabi Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F C Barukcic, Miha Average Poor
Home Country F CRL Ciocan, Ioan Average Average
Home Country F C O'Brien, Marcelo Average Excellent
Home Country F C Robert, Martijn Average Average
Home Country F CR Vaca, Edgar Average Poor
Home Country F CRL Zitha, Thabo Average Average
Home Country M C Choe, Kum-Chol Average Average
Home Country M CRL Christenberry, Raymond Average Average
Home Country M L Dolem da Silva, Anderson Carlos Average Average
Home Country M RL Melissis, Vangelis Poor Average
Home Country M RL Reid, Chuckie Poor Poor
Home Country M C Tupinambß, Diego Average Average
Home Country D CL Danino, Elior Average Excellent
Home Country D C Lee, Hyung-Seok Average Average
Home Country D L Plotkin, Sam Average Poor
Home Country D CRL Rotti, Gianlucca Average Excellent
Home Country D L Tsarfati, Maor Average Average
Home Country D C Vakhitov, Alexey Average Average
Home Country G L Schwaiger, Tobias Average Average
Home Country G R Wu, Ming Average Poor
20 Players