Casablanca, Morocco

 Team Salary: 85.75M

World Rank: 90 (110)

AFCB Last seen 31 days ago

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Casablanca Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Curtis 176 77 99 44% 167 82 85 49%
Home Country F Kerschbaumer 101 44 57 44% 156 63 93 40%
Home Country F Kristo 59 31 28 53% 61 40 21 66%
Home Country F Mavromatis 114 59 55 52% 94 24 70 26%
Home Country F Roussey 93 53 40 57% 101 73 28 72%
Home Country M Edalgo 92 67 25 73% 77 53 24 69%
Home Country M Lenz 94 44 50 47% 85 42 43 49%
Home Country M Rupnik 97 57 40 59% 72 43 29 60%
Home Country M Stellas 2 1 1 50% 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Tang 103 56 47 54% 85 42 43 49%
Home Country M van Rooijen 193 115 78 60% 166 47 119 28%
Home Country D Budnik 62 33 29 53% 78 54 24 69%
Home Country D Buzek 49 25 24 51% 53 40 13 75%
Home Country D Melliti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Park 91 58 33 64% 93 44 49 47%
Home Country D Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Cooper 20 17 3 85% 28 25 3 89%
Home Country G Godoy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total: 1346 737 609 54.8 1316 672 644 51.1