Lagos, Nigeria

 Team Salary: 94.75M

World Rank: 93 (114)

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Lagos Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Castelvetro 17 9 8 53% 21 11 10 52%
Home Country F Jakopic 26 19 7 73% 24 17 7 71%
Home Country F Kosgei 172 76 96 44% 156 94 62 60%
Home Country F Kudryashov 99 47 52 47% 80 49 31 61%
Home Country F Liechti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Negru 171 81 90 47% 163 82 81 50%
Home Country M Boyd 44 27 17 61% 52 35 17 67%
Home Country M Cristea 52 41 11 79% 37 19 18 51%
Home Country M Essig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Genov 134 97 37 72% 97 64 33 66%
Home Country M Raja 110 75 35 68% 99 67 32 68%
Home Country M Smolnikar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Bougias 26 16 10 62% 18 13 5 72%
Home Country D Hasanuddin 97 53 44 55% 81 64 17 79%
Home Country D Hauk 127 107 20 84% 103 73 30 71%
Home Country D Holopainen 53 18 35 34% 45 12 33 27%
Home Country D Howard 182 59 123 32% 166 72 94 43%
Home Country D Weber 232 126 106 54% 277 92 185 33%
Home Country G Morland 2 2 0 100% 1 0 1 0%
Home Country G Sikhosana 22 21 1 95% 21 20 1 95%
Total: 1566 874 692 55.8 1441 784 657 54.4