Melbourne, Australia

 Team Salary: 83.50M

World Rank: 122 (101)

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Melbourne Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Carrillo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Ferrari 7 0 7 0% 5 2 3 40%
Home Country F Glazkov 96 67 29 70% 88 56 32 64%
Home Country F Lowman 78 22 56 28% 87 50 37 57%
Home Country F Moya 87 38 49 44% 96 37 59 39%
Home Country F Velichkov 12 8 4 67% 14 8 6 57%
Home Country M Fournier 87 34 53 39% 122 61 61 50%
Home Country M Hermawan 5 2 3 40% 7 5 2 71%
Home Country M Ndallso 110 28 82 25% 60 34 26 57%
Home Country M Sisca 11 2 9 18% 10 6 4 60%
Home Country M Stocker 52 32 20 62% 57 27 30 47%
Home Country M Ward 59 25 34 42% 68 30 38 44%
Home Country D Kern 47 24 23 51% 41 11 30 27%
Home Country D Kolding 71 24 47 34% 58 34 24 59%
Home Country D Mbarga 72 31 41 43% 63 24 39 38%
Home Country D Oettinger 66 34 32 52% 66 30 36 45%
Home Country D Petrovcic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Radzkov 92 33 59 36% 94 24 70 26%
Home Country G Salazar 14 13 1 93% 20 13 7 65%
Home Country G van Gastel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total: 966 417 549 43.2 956 452 504 47.3