Istanbul, Turkey

 Team Salary: 90.75M

World Rank: 9 (8)

butlerizer Last seen just now

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Istanbul Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Corrales 17 6 11 35% 16 1 15 6%
Home Country F Cullen 140 59 81 42% 159 58 101 36%
Home Country F Vinther 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Bonetti 88 32 56 36% 97 52 45 54%
Home Country M Kuzyk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Ramos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Valeriev 86 55 31 64% 89 41 48 46%
Home Country M van Kempen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Williams 13 9 4 69% 9 4 5 44%
Home Country M Yß±ez 96 58 38 60% 102 49 53 48%
Home Country D Bojku 58 44 14 76% 52 34 18 65%
Home Country D Held 10 8 2 80% 16 11 5 69%
Home Country D Leger 56 40 16 71% 40 23 17 58%
Home Country D Sivakumar 80 30 50 38% 88 40 48 45%
Home Country D Tetuanui 102 75 27 74% 93 52 41 56%
Home Country D Vajda 60 28 32 47% 51 30 21 59%
Home Country D Vave 111 91 20 82% 88 45 43 51%
Home Country D Wirsig 56 29 27 52% 48 33 15 69%
Home Country G Earley 12 11 1 92% 11 11 0 100%
Total: 985 575 410 58.4 959 484 475 50.5