Damascus, Syria

 Team Salary: 94.25M

World Rank: 58 (62)

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Damascus Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F RL Biton, Lior Average Average
Home Country F C Brard, Arjan Average Average
Home Country F C Kang, Jae-Won Average Poor
Home Country F C Stavropoulos, Dionysis Average Excellent
Home Country F RL Taran, Mykhaylo Average Average
Home Country F CR Wu, Wang Average Average
Home Country M L Dicu, Marin Average Average
Home Country M CRL Golubev, Dmitriy Average Poor
Home Country M CL Roussel, Roger Average Average
Home Country M R Savov, Hristo Average Average
Home Country M R Tenev, Emil Average Average
Home Country M CL Van Hout, Nono Average Poor
Home Country D L Bandiera, Francesco Average Average
Home Country D C Ceh, Zan Average Poor
Home Country D R Coleman, Ian Excellent Average
Home Country D L Johnson, Liam Average Poor
Home Country D R Koshelyuk, Ivan Average Average
Home Country D CR Skou, Peter Average Excellent
Home Country G RL Sanou, Ousmane Poor Poor
Home Country G RL Smirnov, Ivan Average Excellent
20 Players