Tunis, Tunisia

 Team Salary: 93.75M

World Rank: 143 (139)

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Tunis Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F R Claes, Kristof Poor Average
Home Country F CL Poston, Alan Average Average
Home Country F L Sandoval, Carlos Alberto Average Average
Home Country F CR Thun°, Dennis Average Average
Home Country F CR Toyos, John Average Poor
Home Country F CRL Tskhadadze, Davit Poor Average
Home Country M CRL Courtoglou, Filippos Poor Average
Home Country M CR Gheorghe, Daniel Average Poor
Home Country M R Masch, Markus Average Average
Home Country M CR Porter, Jason Average Excellent
Home Country M CL Salinas, Daniel Jes·s Average Average
Home Country M CRL Silva, Jason Average Excellent
Home Country D CL Jensen, Jonas Average Average
Home Country D C Manan, Hendro Excellent Excellent
Home Country D CR McCrory, David Poor Average
Home Country D C Sedlacek, Jiri Average Poor
Home Country D CL Soeiro, Uendel Average Excellent
Home Country D CRL Upegui, Juan Sebastißn Poor Poor
Home Country G CL Demidovich, Artem Excellent Excellent
Home Country G C Gomes, Enry Average Excellent
20 Players