Nairobi, Kenya

 Team Salary: 94.25M

World Rank: 105 (82)

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Nairobi Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F L Bondarenko, Albert Average Poor
Home Country F R Hamid, Dian Average Average
Home Country F C Merkl, Rolf Average Poor
Home Country F CR Parcetic, Marko Average Average
Home Country F L Thomas, David Average Excellent
Home Country F CL Trajkovic, Srdjan Average Average
Home Country M RL Emil, Zhabov Average Poor
Home Country M RL Gualandi, Antonio Poor Poor
Home Country M L Mousavi, Mehdi Average Average
Home Country M CRL Neto, Fernando Average Average
Home Country M C Schultz, Henrik Average Average
Home Country M CRL Trezza, Francesco Average Average
Home Country D RL Chen, Zhilong Average Excellent
Home Country D CL de Vet, Mike Average Average
Home Country D R Gross, Raviv Average Poor
Home Country D CRL Potier, Christopher Average Average
Home Country D L Sutter, Yann Average Poor
Home Country D CR Tambal, Salih Poor Average
Home Country G CRL Botzoris, Stratos Average Excellent
Home Country G L Hinriksson, Magn·s Average Average
20 Players