Amman, Jordan

 Team Salary: 94.75M

World Rank: 108 (117)

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Amman Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F L Boere, Jeffrey Average Excellent
Home Country F RL Djuric, Nemanja Average Average
Home Country F L Flynn, Niall Poor Excellent
Home Country F CL Prokopenko, Yuriy Average Poor
Home Country F R Punz, Christian Average Average
Home Country F C Shiryaev, Gazi Average Average
Home Country M L Capazolo, Jason Poor Poor
Home Country M L Channell, Jay Average Average
Home Country M RL Eliyahu, Assaf Average Average
Home Country M CRL Ilie, Ioan Average Poor
Home Country M R Kwak, Min-Ho Average Average
Home Country M R Zoko, Franck Average Average
Home Country D R Christiansen, Thomas Average Average
Home Country D CRL Davids, Kevin Average Average
Home Country D L Hall, Cameron Average Poor
Home Country D CR Nuutinen, Mikko Average Excellent
Home Country D L Oskarsson, Mikael Poor Poor
Home Country D L Wahyudi, Farid Average Poor
Home Country G R Bibi, Tinning Stephane Average Average
Home Country G CRL Kawalit, Roberto Poor Excellent
20 Players