Cairo, Egypt

 Team Salary: 93.25M

World Rank: 61 (60)

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Cairo Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Boothman 53 9 44 17% 43 22 21 51%
Home Country F O'Hanlon 62 37 25 60% 81 30 51 37%
Home Country F Onuh 46 24 22 52% 42 19 23 45%
Home Country F Vasileiou 96 41 55 43% 88 20 68 23%
Home Country M Cortez 79 47 32 59% 96 75 21 78%
Home Country M Fuller 101 60 41 59% 115 47 68 41%
Home Country M Harris 53 19 34 36% 49 14 35 29%
Home Country M Martínez 109 57 52 52% 97 64 33 66%
Home Country M Nimely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Ntentopoulos 16 4 12 25% 26 10 16 38%
Home Country M O'Shea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Velychko 143 51 92 36% 116 71 45 61%
Home Country M Zvara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Meyer 3 3 0 100% 3 3 0 100%
Home Country D Tsenov 65 33 32 51% 55 44 11 80%
Home Country D Wohlfarth 66 42 24 64% 76 49 27 64%
Home Country G Seegert 12 10 2 83% 23 20 3 87%
Total: 904 437 467 48.3 910 488 422 53.6