Seoul, South Korea

 Team Salary: 87.25M

World Rank: 12 (10)

DragonDaemon2 Last seen just now

Home > Rest of the world > Seoul >

Seoul Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Fontana 213 77 136 36% 196 65 131 33%
Home Country F Kaplan 52 25 27 48% 43 12 31 28%
Home Country M Bule 128 92 36 72% 145 62 83 43%
Home Country M Katsikis 35 11 24 31% 33 15 18 45%
Home Country M Nijhof 91 54 37 59% 79 47 32 59%
Home Country M Rulisa 167 77 90 46% 159 83 76 52%
Home Country M Salkeld 125 65 60 52% 149 84 65 56%
Home Country M Tarasenko 166 95 71 57% 112 64 48 57%
Home Country M Vukovic 148 101 47 68% 152 72 80 47%
Home Country D Bagis 122 78 44 64% 88 69 19 78%
Home Country D Bruncevic 55 33 22 60% 60 33 27 55%
Home Country D Castro 17 11 6 65% 25 17 8 68%
Home Country D Maly 45 34 11 76% 35 22 13 63%
Home Country D North 64 50 14 78% 101 66 35 65%
Home Country D Petelo 117 78 39 67% 135 101 34 75%
Home Country G Hobbart 22 15 7 68% 18 14 4 78%
Home Country G Ramiszenski 6 4 2 67% 5 2 3 40%
Total: 1573 900 673 57.2 1535 828 707 53.9