Varna, Bulgaria

 Team Salary: 87.25M

World Rank: 85 (74)

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Varna Players

Season 59 - All Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Ayakozi, Edward 14 13 1211 28 21 75 2 25 4 1 16 4
Home Country F Derflinger, Andreas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Gihani, Muhammed 14 14 1251 30 17 57 3 27 4 1 15 4
Home Country F Ohayon, Ariel 17 17 1470 25 12 48 1 21 2 2 10 10
Home Country F Schulz, Leon 13 11 1098 10 7 70 0 14 4 1 29 7
Home Country F Vßzquez, Lucas 5 5 359 10 7 70 0 8 2 0 25
Home Country M Bock, Daniel 12 12 912 19 13 68 0 8 3 0 38
Home Country M Dutton, Harry 11 8 834 21 17 81 0 21 7 1 33 5
Home Country M Elliot, Carlos 20 20 1852 48 29 60 2 17 4 2 24 12
Home Country M Engelhardt, Nico 16 16 1453 31 27 87 1 14 1 1 7 7
Home Country M Korotkevich, Sergey 11 10 998 15 9 60 0 4 2 0 50
Home Country M Sobolev, Victor 14 14 1221 28 14 50 0 25 4 1 16 4
Home Country D Collazo, Flavio 6 5 492 5 2 40 0 2 0 0
Home Country D Eldrerth, Harald 19 19 1722 12 9 75 0 8 0 0
Home Country D Fekry El-Sagheir, Mohamed 16 15 1415 7 5 71 0 3 2 1 67 33
Home Country D Miljanic, Velisa 15 15 1334 8 6 75 0 9 5 0 56
Home Country D Polden, Even 7 6 593 6 5 83 1 3 0 0
Home Country D Smith, Ramone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Laine, Sakari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Petkovic, Igor 20 20 1852 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.