Turin, Italy

 Team Salary: 94.25M

World Rank: 53

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Turin Players

Season 59 - League Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Bizzarri, Arcangelo 9 6 720 23 19 83 0 35 9 3 26 9
Home Country F Blasco, Paolo 14 14 1239 24 20 83 1 26 7 1 27 4
Home Country F Dudic, Asmir 2 0 111 7 4 57 0 6 1 0 17
Home Country F Emilsson, Aron 14 14 1198 52 42 81 4 42 4 2 10 5
Home Country F Jisa, Ales 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Pavlov, Ruslan 8 8 593 15 13 87 0 22 7 2 32 9
Home Country M Burkus, Gergely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Edwards, Dan 14 14 1287 8 3 38 1 10 3 0 30
Home Country M Kirov, Mincho 7 7 620 8 6 75 1 2 0 0
Home Country M Kozak, Ladislav 9 7 680 7 7 100 1 4 0 0
Home Country M Yesin, Roman 14 14 1274 20 18 90 3 10 2 2 20 20
Home Country D Begic, Jernej 13 12 1102 11 4 36 0 9 3 3 33 33
Home Country D Im, Jong-Koo 12 12 1103 18 14 78 1 10 5 2 50 20
Home Country D Kuncoro, Gatot 9 8 777 17 17 100 1 8 3 0 38
Home Country D Ljajic, Nedzad 10 10 839 9 6 67 0 6 1 0 17
Home Country D Poschauko, Burak 1 0 40 1 1 100 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Tomljenovic, Stanko 14 14 1287 17 15 88 0 5 0 0
Home Country G Botis, Radu 14 14 1287 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Williams, Gareth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.