Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

 Team Salary: 65.75M

World Rank: 140 (137)

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Sarajevo Players

Season 59 - All Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Gagliardi, Domenico 16 16 1471 51 34 67 2 35 6 2 17 6
Home Country F Holmberg, Roger 18 17 1620 31 19 61 0 26 6 3 23 12
Home Country F Machacek, Petr 18 18 1663 7 5 71 0 6 2 0 33
Home Country F Nilsen, Stian 4 3 194 9 4 44 0 3 2 1 67 33
Home Country F Tran, Hassan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Tuifua, Mafi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Cain, Alvin 18 18 1610 14 10 71 2 5 1 0 20
Home Country M Lawal, Louis 1 0 53 2 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Orozco, Kirk 18 18 1663 23 11 48 2 11 5 1 46 9
Home Country M Taran, Olexiy 18 18 1642 14 5 36 1 11 1 0 9
Home Country M Wakelin, Joe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Zheng, Chao 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Boccaccini, Emanuel 13 13 1196 27 20 74 0 10 0 0
Home Country D de Groot, Michiel 17 17 1570 61 28 46 2 35 4 1 11 3
Home Country D Dengg, Thomas 15 15 1228 26 14 54 1 26 11 5 42 19
Home Country D Koval, Danylo 5 4 367 6 3 50 0 6 1 0 17
Home Country D Lundqvust, Michael 6 5 544 13 8 62 1 5 1 0 20
Home Country D Stojanovic, Simon 18 18 1663 24 14 58 1 3 0 0
Home Country G Conway, Jason 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Susanto, Muhamad 18 18 1663 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.