Phuntsholing, Bhutan

 Team Salary: 88.25M

World Rank: 47 (52)

Todd Barrow2 Last seen 0 days ago

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Phuntsholing Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Bartos 49 29 20 59% 46 16 30 35%
Home Country F Breen 42 21 21 50% 52 17 35 33%
Home Country F Huynh 64 51 13 80% 58 40 18 69%
Home Country F Laurent 15 14 1 93% 18 14 4 78%
Home Country F Ndlovu 132 58 74 44% 168 46 122 27%
Home Country M Karag÷z 110 54 56 49% 127 53 74 42%
Home Country M Klinger 59 24 35 41% 69 28 41 41%
Home Country M Lubo 154 82 72 53% 131 70 61 53%
Home Country M Malazonia 124 66 58 53% 114 59 55 52%
Home Country M Rahim 173 107 66 62% 147 70 77 48%
Home Country M Shengelia 218 85 133 39% 254 124 130 49%
Home Country D Azulay 145 83 62 57% 163 75 88 46%
Home Country D Bulajic 114 75 39 66% 101 59 42 58%
Home Country D Charles 40 26 14 65% 34 16 18 47%
Home Country D Montes de Oca 166 102 64 61% 172 67 105 39%
Home Country D Naresh 108 71 37 66% 111 84 27 76%
Home Country G Evrard 24 15 9 63% 20 17 3 85%
Home Country G Tkachenko 7 2 5 29% 3 2 1 67%
Total: 1744 965 779 55.3 1788 857 931 47.9