Mombasa, Kenya

 Team Salary: 92.75M

World Rank: 59 (65)

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Mombasa Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F L Cui, Wei Average Poor
Home Country F L Fajri, Slamet Average Average
Home Country F L Larsen, Finn Average Poor
Home Country F C Majola, Petrus Poor Poor
Home Country F R Mesika, Eyal Excellent Average
Home Country F RL Mora, Daniel Average Poor
Home Country M CL Brown, Alan Average Excellent
Home Country M C Dreier, Wilhelm Average Average
Home Country M L Eernisse, Ben Average Poor
Home Country M CRL Jerebic, Mitja Poor Average
Home Country M CR Perret, Guillaume Average Average
Home Country M CL Thalinger, Philipp Average Excellent
Home Country D CRL Berger, Diego Average Poor
Home Country D C D'Aguilar, Djoey Average Excellent
Home Country D CL Hutton, Barry Average Average
Home Country D C Karpenko, Dmytro Average Average
Home Country D CRL Kim, Myong-Chol Average Excellent
Home Country D CR Vlasov, Ivan Average Average
Home Country G L B÷sch, Stephan Poor Average
Home Country G R Rogic, Kristian Average Poor
20 Players