Singapore, Singapore

 Team Salary: 92.75M

World Rank: 70 (89)

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Singapore Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F CL Bergsma, Mark Average Average
Home Country F CL Govindan, Rezal Average Poor
Home Country F C Malygin, Valery Average Excellent
Home Country F CL Mikulic, Tihomir Average Average
Home Country F CRL Muduroglu, Nick Average Poor
Home Country F C Pushkutsa, Olexandr Average Poor
Home Country M CL Dzaferovic, Andraz Poor Average
Home Country M CL Ferrara, Mario Average Average
Home Country M R Grigoryan, Harutyun Average Average
Home Country M CL Nordheim, Kim Average Excellent
Home Country M C Recoba, Gabriel Average Average
Home Country M CR Zakharenkov, Vasily Average Average
Home Country D C de Ridder, Rudy Average Average
Home Country D C Ivkovic, Jovan Average Poor
Home Country D C Kumar, Pintu Poor Excellent
Home Country D C Makarov, Timur Excellent Poor
Home Country D CL Velandia, Estiben Poor Average
Home Country D L Zondi, Xolani Average Average
Home Country G CRL Makris, Alexandros Average Average
Home Country G CL Shabi, Ami Average Excellent
20 Players