Douala, Cameroon

 Team Salary: 93.75M

World Rank: 151 (161)

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Douala Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Avcu 126 42 84 33% 102 38 64 37%
Home Country F Cruz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Masinga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Pacheco 19 9 10 47% 15 9 6 60%
Home Country F Torres 84 47 37 56% 121 73 48 60%
Home Country F Yorno 106 32 74 30% 102 57 45 56%
Home Country M Burton 62 43 19 69% 60 39 21 65%
Home Country M Forelli 95 56 39 59% 121 69 52 57%
Home Country M J°rgensen 67 40 27 60% 71 28 43 39%
Home Country M Kljajic 131 93 38 71% 146 74 72 51%
Home Country M Paris 8 5 3 63% 10 6 4 60%
Home Country M Silhavy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Gjokic 77 58 19 75% 71 29 42 41%
Home Country D Kobeissi 75 34 41 45% 108 65 43 60%
Home Country D Ortner 43 21 22 49% 30 14 16 47%
Home Country D Pitt 9 5 4 56% 16 4 12 25%
Home Country D Rekhviashvili 93 54 39 58% 107 38 69 36%
Home Country D Zhirov 59 37 22 63% 53 27 26 51%
Home Country G Craveiro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Noble 11 8 3 73% 15 9 6 60%
Total: 1065 584 481 54.8 1148 579 569 50.4