Douala, Cameroon

 Team Salary: 93.75M

World Rank: 151 (161)

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Douala Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Avcu 123 40 83 33% 91 34 57 37%
Home Country F Cruz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Masinga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Pacheco 17 9 8 53% 13 9 4 69%
Home Country F Torres 72 40 32 56% 106 65 41 61%
Home Country F Yorno 93 30 63 32% 86 47 39 55%
Home Country M Burton 53 38 15 72% 47 32 15 68%
Home Country M Forelli 91 55 36 60% 111 64 47 58%
Home Country M J°rgensen 59 36 23 61% 62 23 39 37%
Home Country M Kljajic 112 81 31 72% 132 67 65 51%
Home Country M Paris 8 5 3 63% 10 6 4 60%
Home Country M Silhavy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Gjokic 70 52 18 74% 66 28 38 42%
Home Country D Kobeissi 68 33 35 49% 90 50 40 56%
Home Country D Ortner 43 21 22 49% 30 14 16 47%
Home Country D Pitt 9 5 4 56% 15 4 11 27%
Home Country D Rekhviashvili 86 50 36 58% 92 34 58 37%
Home Country D Zhirov 45 31 14 69% 45 23 22 51%
Home Country G Craveiro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country G Noble 10 7 3 70% 14 9 5 64%
Total: 959 533 426 55.6 1010 509 501 50.4