Seoul, South Korea

 Team Salary: 87.25M

World Rank: 12 (10)

DragonDaemon2 Last seen 0 days ago

Home > Rest of the world > Seoul >

Seoul Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Fontana 138 53 85 38% 125 39 86 31%
Home Country F Kaplan 22 14 8 64% 18 3 15 17%
Home Country M Bule 62 45 17 73% 82 34 48 41%
Home Country M Katsikis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Nijhof 65 43 22 66% 62 38 24 61%
Home Country M Rulisa 119 55 64 46% 86 42 44 49%
Home Country M Salkeld 88 40 48 45% 102 58 44 57%
Home Country M Tarasenko 106 61 45 58% 76 44 32 58%
Home Country M Vukovic 97 60 37 62% 105 43 62 41%
Home Country D Bagis 73 47 26 64% 52 44 8 85%
Home Country D Bruncevic 44 26 18 59% 46 27 19 59%
Home Country D Castro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Maly 13 9 4 69% 12 9 3 75%
Home Country D North 47 37 10 79% 81 51 30 63%
Home Country D Petelo 83 53 30 64% 84 64 20 76%
Home Country G Hobbart 20 13 7 65% 8 8 0 100%
Home Country G Ramiszenski 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total: 977 556 421 56.9 939 504 435 53.7