Athens, Greece

 Team Salary: 95.00M

World Rank: 28 (26)

Nick Cip2 Last seen just now

Home > Europe South > Athens >

Athens Players

Season 59 - All Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Auer, Christian 10 10 924 57 37 65 3 42 10 6 24 14
Home Country F Masive, Mario 15 15 1381 77 66 86 0 95 28 11 30 12
Home Country F Shepherd, Stuart 8 8 722 15 9 60 1 19 7 3 37 16
Home Country M Cole, Matthew 8 7 665 12 8 67 1 7 2 0 29
Home Country M Dyer, Balram 17 15 1487 20 16 80 1 12 2 1 17 8
Home Country M Emersic, Silvo 21 21 1935 21 11 52 2 18 6 1 33 6
Home Country M Franklin, Jason 18 18 1656 37 32 87 5 20 8 2 40 10
Home Country M Hajnal, Attila 13 13 1198 17 11 65 2 17 9 2 53 12
Home Country M Konstantinou, Stamatis 23 23 1973 47 31 66 4 34 6 1 18 3
Home Country M Tetteh, William 23 23 2120 49 42 86 1 32 10 5 31 16
Home Country M Vissers, Arnoud 16 16 1456 22 19 86 2 11 1 0 9
Home Country M Vukasinovic, Slobodan 20 20 1816 31 27 87 1 17 5 1 29 6
Home Country D Huerta, Manuel 17 16 1501 19 16 84 1 20 3 2 15 10
Home Country D Lahmar, Houari 19 18 1715 15 14 93 1 9 3 1 33 11
Home Country D Maye, Adam 16 16 1472 6 4 67 0 4 1 0 25
Home Country D Scarpa, Roberto 11 11 958 8 5 63 0 4 2 0 50
Home Country D Trainor, Mark 10 10 862 7 2 29 0 2 0 0
Home Country G Pirotta, Mark 26 26 2396 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.