Ruse, Bulgaria

 Team Salary: 93.50M

World Rank: 98 (104)

nikelback2 Last seen 0 days ago

Home > Europe South > Ruse >

Ruse Players

Season 59 - All Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Brito, Adalberto 17 16 1476 41 25 61 1 53 8 3 15 6
Home Country F Iotzi, Andrea 12 12 1104 48 21 44 2 42 24 9 57 21
Home Country F Karsrud, Tom Arild 5 5 461 8 5 63 0 7 1 1 14 14
Home Country F Morawski, Rafal 7 6 582 17 17 100 2 22 4 3 18 14
Home Country F Polyakov, Pavel 7 7 567 19 9 47 2 14 4 0 29
Home Country M Dahroug, Dode 21 20 1852 25 9 36 0 13 2 1 15 8
Home Country M Farhan, Ali 13 13 1117 16 13 81 1 10 2 1 20 10
Home Country M Hailey, Frank 4 4 367 6 4 67 1 3 0 0
Home Country M Hall, Nick 23 23 2064 35 30 86 1 16 2 0 13
Home Country M Iliev, Ivelin 22 22 1986 44 33 75 3 19 3 0 16
Home Country M Jepsen, Jon 1 1 92 3 2 67 0 2 0 0
Home Country M Mancinelli, Pablo 13 13 1197 22 22 100 1 10 1 0 10
Home Country M Mazanik, Grigoriy 12 12 1105 22 18 82 3 17 5 1 29 6
Home Country M Pulkkinen, Tommi 11 9 960 10 9 90 0 10 2 2 20 20
Home Country M Tang, Xin 11 11 993 12 7 58 0 7 0 0
Home Country M Torres, Faustino 10 10 854 16 12 75 0 5 1 0 20
Home Country M Zubko, Valentyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Ibrahim, Nizam 22 22 1983 24 20 83 2 14 4 1 29 7
Home Country D Kobre, Jaime 23 23 2054 24 14 58 2 17 2 0 12
Home Country D Stanev, Petar 1 1 93 1 0 0 1 1 1 100 100
Home Country G Gasevic, Ivan 19 19 1751 0 0 0 1 1 0 100
Home Country G Maulana, Sugeng 4 4 369 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.